Sell the pants off your products & services—

No “last-chance” sales required

BlogBetter™ is a self-paced, expert-guided course with a template that helps small business owners write content, fast (like as in TODAY). By creating high-quality emails, blogs, videos and podcasts your audience actually wants, you can convert your email subscribers and Instagram followers more effectively than sales emails alone. Stop overthinking and second guessing your words and topics. Start creating content that’s guaranteed to educate, engage and entertain, so people buy from you even when there’s not a sale.

Our content's better than ever

Martha Bitar, CEO of Flodesk

The content created with BlogBetter™ is better than any content we’ve ever created before. Period.

You grew your email list… Now what?

We all know why it’s so important to grow our email lists (like the facts that you own it—high five!—and there’s no annoying algorithms to battle)...

...but email lists are only as valuable as how engaged your subscribers are. Showing up every week in their inbox with a sale or a big red “Buy Now” button are surefire ways to make people hit unsubscribe fast. So what should you send instead until they’re ready to buy? High-quality, educational content!

How content works to engage + convert more email subscribers + IG followers

  • Create blog content

    Create content that’s educational and compelling—make sure it's something your audience WANTS to read—that's also relevant to your brand. (BlogBetter™ works great for scripting podcasts or videos, too!)

  • Amplify content

    Share your content everywhere, including with your email list and on your fave social channels like Instagram + Pinterest

  • Follow the magic 80:20 rule

    Give your audience valuable high-quality content 80% of the time. Only sell 20% of the time.

Writing content is so much easier now

Sophie Melberg, CEO of The Mrs. Book

It used to take me two weeks to write a blog post. Using BlogBetter™, I finished a post in two days!

I know, I know: Creating blog content is easier said than done.

That’s why I created The BlogBetter™ course + template to help you write your content, fast.

Raise your hand if...

  • It takes you forever to write content.

    Words getting stuck? Or worried if readers will even care about what you have to say? BlogBetter™ helps you create content quickly using a template you can re-use over and over again. But more than just another template, BlogBetter™ is called a course because it provides you with structure and expert guidance through bite-sized videos on what to say where, when and why. Move beyond the sticky points that would have made you throw in the pencil in the past and be sure you’re completing the template that will produce the highest quality content possible.

  • You only email your list when you have a sale.

    Sales emails are great, but only when you use them strategically (hint: not every time you send an email). Remember, getting more sales and clients don’t happen overnight. Not everyone on your email list is ready to buy from you right now. You have to nurture them or risk having them unsubscribe before they even get to know and buy from you (I know, sad!). By consistently creating and sharing content your audience wants to get, they’ll engage more, love your brand more and be more likely to convert to a sale or client when they’re ready. It’s one of the really great times when more is more.

  • People don’t know who you are/what you do/what you offer.

    You know what’s great for that? Blog, video or podcast content! They help your audience know who you are, building trust and your relationship. Imagine if someone’s juuust about ready to pull the trigger when they come to your website, looking for more information to confirm they’re making the right decision. But they can’t find anything because you have no content. That’s a problem! But imagine if instead they come to your site and find examples of what you’ve worked on and how you did it, how to create a website that converts like crazy, 5 ways to use your brand’s journal to de-stress, etc. They’re going to see you as the expert you are—and finish that sale.

Sobrina knows her stuff

Yona Levine, Head of Growth at HoneyBook

Fiverr pushed out a landing page with coronavirus-related education for small businesses. It included great content from the BBC, The Washington Post… and Sobrina.

What's Included

BlogBetter™ is a course with a template for writing blog posts, podcasts, emails and video scripts—basically any longer form content that your audience wants to learn more about—that helps you nurture your email list and social followers to convert them to a sale. It includes:

  • Bite-size, expert-guided videos walking you through each and every step. At 3-4 minutes per video, I answer your questions quickly with real-life examples and best practices so you can finish crafting your post ASAP. No sitting through long video recordings here!

  • Self-paced, reusable template in 3 parts:

  • 1. A questionnaire that pulls all the important deets from you; ensures your blog post will help you reach your business goals; and guarantees your readers will actually want to read it.

  • 2. A fill-in-the-blanks section that walks you through where to put your answers and how to capture attention right from the start with storytelling.

  • 3. A place for your final cut where you’ll also learn the secret to click-worthy post titles—and how to craft one for yours—plus how to link everything back to your brand.

  • Bonus: Learn how to SEO optimize your post to get it found by your ideal clients.

This all sounds amazing, but what if...

  • I don’t have a blog.

    No blog? No problemo. You can still create amazing content with BlogBetter™ to send out in your newsletter. Remember: Consistency is key in building relationships that convert to sales!

  • I don’t have time to blog and write my email newsletter.

    Neither do I! That’s why I created BlogBetter™: To help you write high-quality content FAST that can be used in email and on your blog. One student used to spend weeks writing one post, overthinking the words and second guessing her message. With BlogBetter™, she finished her post in a couple of hours spread over two days. You’ll first want to post the content to your blog, then copy some of the blog post into your email with a link to “Read More” on the blog. You save time repurposing content, and people visiting your site who aren’t on your email list yet won’t miss out on all your genius.

  • I don’t know why blogging is important—I just post content to my Instagram.

    Instagram is great! But remember you don’t own your Instagram page. And not everyone sees the content you post there (ugh, thanks, algorithm). Which is why experts agree growing your email list is one of the most important things you can do for your business. But having an email list means you need to consistently send them emails. And while asking them to buy from you or hire you works perfect from time to time, no one wants to get constant sales emails. So what should you be sending in the days and weeks between sales emails? You guessed it: Blog content they actually want to read.

  • I’m not a writer.

    That’s ok! I’ve been doing this for 15+ years and have created BlogBetter™ for you. It’s a super simple way to get your ideas out, make sure they’re going to resonate with your audience and connect them to your brand. Just answer questions; watch my bite-sized video walkthroughs if you get stuck; and use the template to plug in your answers and create a high-quality post.

  • I don’t know what to blog about.

    You’re not alone. That’s one of the most common questions I get! BlogBetter™ helps you write the kind of content that helps you explain what you do (so others can imagine working with you); what the value of your product is; and more. Get my freebie with 21 ideas for what to blog about here:

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1

    • Welcome!

    • How BlogBetter™ Works

    • Part 1: BlogBetter™ Questionnaire

    • Part 2: Fill-in-the-Blanks Template

    • Part 3: Final Cut

    • Bonus: SEO Optimization Instructions

    • Woohoo! You're done!